Night Vision Glasses for Driving . Anti Glare Polarized Clearsight Wrap Around Fit Over Sunglasses.

Diminish Oncoming Headlights and Reflections

Night Vision Glasses for Driving

  • Wrap around glasses: can be worn over your prescription glasses, allowing you to see clearly at night
  • Night vision lenses: Seeing in the dark or nighttime is easier with these shades
  • Polarized lenses: These glasses have polarized lenses for glare reduction and increased clarity
  • Durable design: These sleek & stylish glasses feature durable materials that are resilient

Price: Ksh3,500  Ksh999

 These unique fit over night vision goggles can be worn over your prescription glasses, allowing you to see clearly at night, and reducing glare from lights.

Seeing in the dark or nighttime is easier with these shades that act as night vision goggles.

How We Deliver?

We deliver countrywide on a cash on delivery basis (COD). Orders received late i.e past 6pm are delivered the next day while those received on time are delivered the same day countrywide.


WAS: KSH3,500


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